Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Zombie Buffet 5k October 6th

Happy Sunday. We are putting on a, dare I say, highly awesome zombie run in Columbus Ohio on October 6th 2012 and while I know you are not in Columbus we are reaching out to all the run groups in surrounding areas just to give you a heads up in hopes that you may want to make the road trip. The run is called the Zombie Buffet 5k and long story short it is a run that has runners with flag belts being pursued by ravenous zombies. Cross the finish line with a flag still intact and you're a survivor. Lose both flags and become a zombie and join the pursuit of other runners.

Good times.

The reason we are letting everyone know this far out is two-fold. First registration starts on March 5th and tickets are cheaper for early adopters. Secondly starting on Monday February 20th we are beginning our Facebook contest where we give away five pairs of tickets and just wanted to get the word out to run clubs. Check out our website at www.ZombieBuffet5k.com or our Facebook page at  www.facebook.com/zombiebuffet5k for details. Ultimately we are hoping that you will be willing to share information about the event with runners in your group and help us get the word out to the run community in your area.

Thanks for your time and let me know if you have any questions at all about the event!

Brandon May
CEO Bloc 434 Productions

Holy Trinity Parish 5K March 31st

To: Cleveland Southeast Runners Club
From: Holy Trinity Parish Event Committee
Please see the attached info about our annual 5K coordinated to benefit Holy Trinity Parish, School and CYO programs, as well as the link below to our Event page on the Hermes website.  This fund-raising event will feature a 5K Run and 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk.  They will be held on Saturday, March 31, 2012, and the 5K course begins and ends at Schwartz Park in Avon.

We hope some of your Club members will be interested in joining us on March 31.  Please pass this information along to your members and anyone else who enjoys running or may be interested in participating.  Thank you for your time and consideration.

(To 'register online', click on the link below 'Event Information')
1.  Via the Hermes website: http://hermescleveland.com/roadracing/events/holytrinity.asp
=> Click the "Register Online" link, under Event Information at the top / Register Now button / through Active.com (through Thursday, March 29)


2.  You can complete the attached Registration form and mail it in to Hermes, or register in person on the morning of March 31 at Schwartz Park.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday, March 19, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

Bud's Run

April 22nd! This is a very fun race supporting a good local school, and there are pancakes! Go check it out and support club member and race director Bud McNellie if you can!

Flyer Here: https://docs.google.com/open?id=1oEqVee6q5x0msbYFHWILzRI5QTP1AXgkM7Frxx3cMiSj6izvI5AQVv1Ta7km

Thursday, March 15, 2012

SERC St. Malachi Results 2012

Brian Stern 27:28.21 1st age group
Nicole Camp 28:05.49 3rd female
Elizabeth Hiser 28:50 4th Female
Tim Hackett 29:35.23 4th age group
Dave Miceli 29:41.85 3rd age group
Frank D 29:58.06 2nd age group
Janet Edwards 31:18.97 4th age group
Mike George 33:57.20
Christina Seman 34:32.26
Phil Sipos
36:00.45 1st age group
Greg Klipan 37:05.70 3rd age group
Tim McGinty 38:05.06 5th age group

As always please let Elizabeth or Elizabeth know if you have been inadvertently left out of these results and we will gladly amend!

Monday, March 12, 2012

SERC in 2012!

It's been awhile but trust that SERC is still vital and running all around. Last night was the banquet and we officially kick off 2012. Look for lots of great racing from SERC this year and more activity in support of our local running community!

Thanks to McGinty for the photo of all male ROTY recipients who were at the banquet last night!