Friday, December 5, 2008

Thanksgiving Day Race Results

Cleveland Turkey Trot-5 mile
Lou Dregely, 23rd overall, 2nd in 45-49, 29:10
Janet Edwards, 3rd AG, 34:21.28
Christina Seman, 38:11.92
Frank Duchossois, 1st AG, 30:37.26
Jacob Berkman, 31:46

Detroit Turkey Trot- 10K

Elizabeth Hansen, 41:29

Aurora Turkey Trot-4 Mile
Mark Godale, 3rd Overall, 22.17

Homerun for the homeless-4 Mile
Bob Pokorny, 26:05
Dave Peterman, 26:08
Vince Rucci, 1st AG, 22:55
Steve Hawthorne, 26:22

Ocala YMCA Turkey Trot 5K in Florida
Joe Vishey, 1ST AG 19:14
Dawn Vishey, 1st AG 22:27

The Drumstick Dash in Indianapolis 4.5 Miles
Alan Bisler, 35:14

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